James A Wonsever 2/28/2013. This is my submission for the kayak mindsumo contest. My plan was to make a working tool, for use, but I was unable to because as I was working on it on the 28th, the developer code for weatherbug went inactive and I was unable to get any returns for my ajax calls to the weatherbug service. I recieved the message "Developer Inactive" which I take to mean the api-key expired. To do this project, I utilized Ajax commands to access all cities, up to a large maximum, within 30 miles of the given zip code. These zip codes were then parsed and assigned to their respective city names, from which they were passed to the weatherbug service. As the ajax commands returned the weather data for each zip code, the data is then accessed to get the highest temperature at that location, then I use a quick algorithm to decide if it should be added to the top10. The top ten is then returned to a div, to be viewed on the webpage. I should have used jquery for this, it would have made my life quite a bit easier, I thought that it was a simple enough problem that it wasn't really necessary, but it certainly woud have been nice. If you have any questions contact me at jwonsever@gmail.com.