My User Guide

Welcome to my User Guide to working with me! I offer this to you because I recognize that the faster we get to know each other and how we work, the better and stronger our relationship will be, and the more we’ll accomplish together. I encourage you to write your own User Guide so I

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Breaking Down Complicated JSON

Working title: “Using D3 flame charts to provide insight into the largest components of large, variable JSON objects”. Summary I’ve written a tool to visualize the size of a JSON object.   It takes any JSON object as input and creates a JSON format which D3 can consume to create a flame chart representing the

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This is a retroactive post about a project I did almost 7 years ago, in 2012. I’ve called it “MyCraft”, basically it was a homework / final project for the Computer Graphics class at Berkeley.  If I remember correctly, I spent a couple hours here and there improving it the winter after, but most of

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What makes a good interview?

My thoughts on how to conduct practical interviews for Software Engineering candidates. Any professional software developer has been through it, standing in front of a whiteboard reciting some algorithm you are supposed to have memorized, that you have never once used for anything in your career.  Obviously, that isn’t a good test of ability. Classical

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Why can’t I open source this?

In my last job, I wanted to open source some code.  What I wanted to open source was a collection of integration examples, so it used many JS frameworks from many sources, all of which were “Free” and/or “Open Source”.  I followed the normal process, contacted the legal team, and sent them information on the

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